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Listening to Stones
Thought leader Don Hill and renowned Blackfoot elder and scholar Leroy Little Bear explore “different visions of reality” on their hike to the archaeological site, Writing-on-Stone, in Alberta, Canada. They conversed with one another, but also with wind, hoodoos, petroglyphs, local birds, insects and surroundings exploring “ways of knowing.” Little Bear explained that life ... posted on May 16 2024, 1,909 reads


ChatGPT: A Partner in Unknowing
Writer and adaptive leadership trainer Dana Karout takes us through a insightful exploration in her essay on how ChatGPT is mere a reflection of our own limited ways of viewing the world. In her work with students and in building capacity with individuals and communities to hold conflict and navigate complexity across various levels of authority, she looks into how ChatGPT gets us, humans, to what... posted on May 15 2024, 2,833 reads


When the Lights Went Out
Never underestimate the power of caring, creativity and collaboration. During a presentation in India, one woman finds herself in total power shutdown. Complete darkness! But then, a spark of light from an audience member's phone glimmers. That spark ignited a chain reaction of lights from the crowd, illuminating the whole venue -- a reminder that even in the darkest moment, we're not alone.... posted on May 14 2024, 1,666 reads


Becoming a Possibilist
“I don’t have a crystal ball to know what’s going to happen in the future, but I know that in the present moment, there are possibilities for us as human beings to transform our conflicts.” Author and negotiation expert William Ury’s opens his discussion on Sounds True’s Insights at the Edge podcast with this explanation of what it means to be a possibilist. The... posted on May 13 2024, 2,457 reads


Momentary Eternal: Conversation with Derek Weisberg
Without quite knowing why, I’d kept an eye on this young artist for years. Then, on a visit to the Bay Area, I felt the time had come to ask him for an interview. His response to my inquiry about what drew him so deeply into art making is telling:  “Art evokes life’s great pursuits - religion and the human experience, right? To be completely present in this longer, ener... posted on May 12 2024, 1,020 reads


From Snow to Water
Ready to meet a compassion and business hero? Xue, an immigrant from Inner Mongolia, made her way to MIT, Wall Street and as a successful entrepreneur until a life altering experience got her to question everything in her life. She co-founded 'The Space Between', an investment fund redirecting hundreds of millions not just to grow wealth, but to ignite change and foster compassion. Its founding pr... posted on May 11 2024, 2,632 reads


Jane Goodall on What It Takes to Save the Earth
Jane Goodall’s address at Davos 2024 emphasized that climate change is not slowing down: yet there is reason to hope. Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program is an example of what can be done to protect the future if all of us recognize our interconnectedness with nature and each other. The energy of youth, nature’s resilience, the human intellect, and human’s indomitable spir... posted on May 10 2024, 3,185 reads


Mountain Vapors
While hiking among the seemingly solid majestic peaks of the Canadian Rockies, photo essayist Keith Kozloff found himself more attracted to clouds than the steep, uphill trails of the landscape. Upon returning home, his images inspired him to reflect on impermanence and interdependence – the “cloudiness of everything.” He wondered if he could “perhaps treat challenges more ... posted on May 09 2024, 272 reads


Sri Lanka's Untold Story of Resilience
When the legendary Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne -- often called "the Gandhi of Sri Lanka" -- passed away last month at the age of 92, his enduring legacy of selfless love expanded in hearts across the globe. For over sixty years, Dr. Ariyaratne's humility and servant leadership stewarded thousands of self-sufficient villages in Sri Lanka. Working quietly and often behind the scenes, the unique non-governm... posted on May 07 2024, 1,728 reads


Sanctuaries of Silence
What might happen if we listened deeply? If we really listened? In the tranquil chorus of nature, Gordon Hempton, an acoustic ecologist, experiences silence as 'the poetics of space' and 'the presence of time undisturbed.' He provides insight into how we perceive our locations based on their unique sounds and the value of true silence in our modern noisy world. Hempton defines silence not as the a... posted on May 06 2024, 2,043 reads


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If you don't go within, you simply go without.
Pavithra Krishnan

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